The residence time of nutrients and contaminants (Ren et al., 2014 Sun etĪl., 2014) flocculation, resuspension and trapping of fine sediments (RenĪnd Wu, 2014), and phytoplankton dynamics (Lu and Gan, 2015) in the estuary.Įnhanced salt intrusion also threatens the survival of some aquatic species Processes (MacCready and Geyer, 2010 Geyer and MacCready, 2014), it affects Intrusion affects the estuarine density gradient, circulation, and mixing November to the following March and water is contaminated with salt to suchĪ degree that the fresh water supply is hampered. Salt intrusion is most serious during the dry season from Salt intrusion in the PRE has been a major environmental concern The PRD has a population of 40 million and a boomingĮconomy. The Pearl River estuary (PRE) is the largest estuary in the Pearl Riverĭelta (PRD) (Fig. 1a). The Pearl River, in the south of China, is the third largest river in China. Increases in salt intrusion via wind straining effect. SensitivityĪnalysis shows that the axial down-estuary wind, is most efficient in driving Wavesĭecrease the salt intrusion by increasing the water mixing. The salt intrusion is comparable between the remote and local winds. Pumps saltier shelf water into the estuary by Ekman transport. The remote wind increases the water mixing on theĬontinental shelf, elevates the water level on the shelf and in the PRE and Lowering the water level in the eastern part of the estuary and increasing Revealed that the local wind considerably strengthens the salt intrusion by
Validation, the model is used for a series of diagnostic simulations. Transport (COAWST) modeling system applied to the PRE. We investigate theseĮffects using the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Influenced by a range of factors and to date, few studies have examined theĮffects of winds and waves on salt intrusion in the PRE. Salt intrusion in the Pearl River estuary (PRE) is a dynamic process that is