I loved this combat mechanic within this game. Each round the fighters move 10 miles closer, which somehow really brings home the speed and ferocity of the jets.

The enemy aircraft come screaming in from 30 miles out and you spend a couple of rounds desperately trying to get radar locks and then weapons locks on the fighters before launching Surface to Air missiles. But the real fun is with the Argentine Air Force launching their attacks on your ships. Sending your sea harriers on combat air patrols, raiding supply line and counter attacks from event cards are just some of the things you can do as the British forces. You control a Royal Naval Task Force bearing down on the Falklands to retake them from the Argentinians. Where There is Discord is a solitaire game that covers the conflict in the Falklands in 1982. Where There is Discord – Fifth Column Games Here’s a quick look at some of my favourite games that include Jet Fighters (there’s tons more out there but these are my favourite ones to play): 3. I had to abandon my dreams and get a normal job, but every time I sit down to play a game that includes air power, or fighter support, I’m always dialed into the experience an extra degree. Much to my mother’s relief I have terrible eyesight, and you needed 20/20 to be a fighter pilot. There was something about the sleek look of the Tornado, or the F-16 that enticed me to fly the friendly war-torn skies. Since my earliest days I always wanted to be a fighter pilot.